Contemporary and Ultra-Contemporary Art Market Annual Report

Official Portrait thierry Ehrmann 2023
The Contemporary Art Market has entered an essential and long-awaited phase of adjustment
1. Overview of the global Contemporary art auction market
Top 10 auction houses by auction turnover
Key figures
The Contemporary art market is undergoing a controlled correction while continuing to attract new buyers
Geography of the Contemporary Art Market
The slowdown in the main global marketplaces is due to a lower number of multi-million dollar auction results…
Blue-chip Artists
Major fluctuations in global art auction turnover result from the presence or absence of works by a small number of ‘blue-chip’ artists
2. Focus on Ultra-contemporary art
Top 10 Ultra-contemporary works sold at auction
After two years of exaltation, a certain calm has prevailed
The Ultra-contemporary art market settled to a sensible cruising speed after the flamboyant momentum of the post-Covid era
New recruits and the major auction houses
The major auction houses’ strategies for the promotion of young artists
Hong Kong, the new Ultra-contemporary hub
For two or three years, the works of very young artists have reached spectacular prices in sales hosted in Hong Kong
The Contemporary art market experienced two years of phenomenal growth and achieved unprecedented results
Top 100 Ultra-Contemporary Artists
Top 100 Ultra-Contemporary Artists (born after 1980) by Auction Turnover
Top 500 Contemporary Artists
Top 500 Contemporary Artists by Auction Turnover